`Red` to pismo dla tych kobiet, kt?re czuj?, ?e wyros?y ju? z `Cosmopolitan`, ale nie zdecydowa?y si? jeszcze na poradniki dla kobiet dojrza?ych. `Red` to pismo wype?nione pomys?ami, kt?re naprawd? mo?esz zrealizowa?. Magazyn ten przeznaczony jest dla nowego typu kobiet. Luksusowy, ciep?y, zabawny i nowoczesny jest zarazem skupiony na tym, co w ?yciu najlepsze.
Red has managed to find a gap in the market for all those women in the 25-35 age group who felt that they were a little too old for Cosmopolitan, yet not quite ready to be reading Woman`s Own! Extremely fresh and inspirational, Red is about ideas you can really aspire to. Red is the ultimate lifestyle glossy launched for a new type of woman. Red is a luxurious sun drenched read, warm, witty and modern, a magazine that truly is for the best things in life.